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ISSN: 0974-892X


January, 2012



Philip B. Gnana Ratnamma

A Song

(Translated by T. S. Chandra Mouli)

Graceful Esu swamy- come to me
Fulfilling all my needss, shower love on me
Like rain and shine for trees
Pleasure and pain are to my misery
Certainly needed now as never.
Hands like Martha, mercy of Mariamma
My guide give me ,bless with compassion Swamy.
Systematise my life, though a labour
Cleanse me corrupted with illusions .
Father’s censure symbol of love
Father’s castigation for good of the child
If required reprimand , yet save me Swamy.
Punitive though, saviour you are;
Vindictive Satan ready to devour me.